Monday, 31 March 2014

Bahebak Mot

Sudah lama ternyata tidak "kepo" sama musik Arab hingga akhrinya menemukan Mahebak Moot Yuri Mrakadi. Walau kali ini Yuri nyanyi dengan bahasa Arab amiyyah, tapi tetap saja berkesan. Mungkin karena Yuri terlihat charming dan sexy di video klip yang satu ini. Jadi, posting bulan Maret 2014 ini ditutup dengan Mahebak Mot dari Yuri Mrakadi.

بحبك موت
وآه نفسى أقولك على جوايا
ولو تعرف هتبقى يا عمرى ويايا
وياما حلمت يبقى لبعدنا نهايه
بحبك موت
وأنا ليه بعدك مدوبنى
ولو إيه من قال كده تسيبنى
وحرام دا الشوق معذبنى
وكلامى كله عليك
لياليك هي الى بقيالى
ولا فى بعدك حبيب غالى
وياريت لو يوم تقولهالى
جايلك وحاسس بيك
بحبك .. بحبك
بحبك موت

English Translation:

i love you to death 
and ah i wanna tell you about what's inside me
and if you know, my life, you will be with me
and how much i dreamt of our separation being at an end
why does your distance make me melt
and if someone says, you leave me like this
and shame on this longing, you torture me
and all my words are about you
your nights are the ones that remain for me
I swear, with your distance my precious love
and my wish - if someday you tell me this
i come to you and feel you
i love you to death
i love you to death, 
this night with your closeness you are my whole world
and if you think you will come and say this is enough
there is no one but you, you're my soul's love and my love
i love you to death

Karena sedang ketagihan nerjemahin puisi Nizar Qabbaniy, saya tidak sempat menerjemahkan lagu ini. Walhasil mengandalkan saja. Selamat menikmati bagi yang menikmati musik Arab....

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